Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Senate formulates 40 proposals to initiate the ecological transition


While transport (passenger and freight) is the sector emitting the

most greenhouse gases (31%), freight transport remains the blind spot
of mobility policies. However, it is a strategic lever for
decarbonization ”.

Such is the observation drawn up by the information report entitled
"Transport of goods: giving oneself the means of a necessary
transition", co-written by Nicole Bonnefoy, senator of Charente, and
Rémy Pointereau senator of Cher.

The document, whose proposals were unanimously adopted on May 18 by
the Committee on Regional Planning and Sustainable Development, sets
out its objectives in four main areas, including the development of
alternative modes of transport and awareness raising. of French people
to the environmental impact of e-commerce.

A hegemonic mode of transport

Because as the figures presented in the report recall, road transport
is, in France and in Europe, the main mode of movement of freight and
travelers, therefore calling for a paradigm shift in its organization,
in order to reduce its carbon footprint. .

"With 90% of domestic transport in France, the road mode has dominated
the transport of goods, of which it has provided practically all the
growth for several decades", details the document, which also recalls
that "the road mode is therefore in the origin of almost all
greenhouse gas emissions generated by the transport of goods ”,
without mentioning other negative externalities, such as traffic jams,
noise pollution or road accidents.

Faced with this observation which calls for strong measures, Nicole
Bonnefoy and Rémy Pointereau decline 40, divided into four main axes.
And the first intends to take advantage of the other modes of
transport already available, more respectful of the environment, to
undertake the decarbonization of road freight.

Reducing the environmental impact of freight transport must be
accompanied by the development of rail and river freight, in
particular for long-distance journeys”.

The two senators intend to launch a massive investment plan in favor
of river and rail transport, especially since a train can transport
the equivalent of 40 heavy goods vehicles while emitting nine times
less CO2.

A barge can transport the goods of 125 heavy goods vehicles via the
waves while emitting five times less CO2.

This diversification of modes of transport intends to be accompanied
by greater supervision of heavy goods vehicles, in particular to avoid
“escape routes”, these secondary roads used by certain drivers to
avoid tolls.

Nicole Bonnefoy and Rémy Pointereau therefore wish to "map the main
escape routes by decree" or even set up by 2024 "" zones for reducing
nuisances linked to road transport of goods "(ZRN)".

Reduce the ubiquity of diesel

“99% of heavy goods vehicles are still powered by diesel. The strategy
to be adopted in order to achieve the greening of the fleet of heavy
goods vehicles is not obvious, given the numerous technical and
financial constraints weighing on the energy transition ”recalls the
information report. Several avenues are thus mentioned, such as
biofuels, even if their atmospheric impact is still debated.

Regarding electric or hydrogen heavy goods vehicles, they “allow
significant reductions in all types of emissions, and constitute the
future of road freight transport.

However, the purchase prices for the few models available today can
reach five to six times the price of equivalent diesel vehicles ”. The
senators therefore recommend strengthening the aid mechanisms in this

Last point mentioned, and not the least, that of e-commerce. "It
represents 13% of the retail trade in France" specify the senators,
asking in particular that the commercial vehicles used for the
delivery of these orders in town carry a particular signage.

But more strikingly, the document recommends "to prohibit the display
of the words" free delivery "on online sales sites and advertising
relating to free delivery".

Recommendations unanimously adopted by the Territorial Planning
Commission which indicated that “the very forthcoming examination of
the“ Climate and Resilience ”bill will be an opportunity to translate
some of the 40 recommendations ”.

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